Health Screening

What to Expect from your Health Screen?
Complete Body Physical

A comprehensive and in-depth physical examination.

Analysis of Lifestyle, Health and Diet

The doctor will ask you a series of questions to analyses your well-being and offer you tailored advice to promote healthier living for you.

Blood Pressure Check

High blood pressure is a significant risk factor for heart disease and stroke. We can advise you on why and how to maintain a normal blood pressure, incorporating the latest guidance from bodies such as the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) and the British Hypertension Society (BHS).

Full Blood Count

We will measure the amount of haemoglobin in your blood as well as your red and white blood cells and platelets. These scores can indicate conditions such as cancers, leukaemia anaemia and vitamin deficiencies. Once again, we will advise you on any necessary treatment if any abnormalities are detected.

Height, Weight and Body Mass Index (BMI)

Raised BMI and height to weight ratios are associated with high blood pressure, risk of diabetes and increased risk of heart disease. We will advise you on how to manage and ensure your BMI is within an ideal category for you.

Cholesterol Profile

High total cholesterol levels are associated with heart disease and stroke. Not only will we look at your total cholesterol, but also your LDL (bad cholesterol), HDL

Kidney & Liver Function Tests

These tests will tell us how well your liver and kidneys are working. We will measure levels of urea, creatinine and salts to assess your kidney function, and levels of enzymes to check your liver functions. Abnormal levels of these can indicate kidney or liver disease, which sometimes have no symptoms in their early stages. We will also look at your Albumin levels in your blood which is also a good indicator for kidney, liver and heart disease.

Diabetes Test

This entails a fasting blood glucose test. In early stage diabetes there aren't usually any symptoms, which is why this blood test is so important, especially if there are other high risk factors involved.

Resting Electrocardiogram (ECG)

This test records the electrical activity of the heart and is used in the investigation of heart disease.

Calcium & Thyroid Function Tests

By measuring how much calcium there is in your blood we can let you know how healthy your bones, muscles and nerves are, and give appropriate advise if your levels outside the recommended range. We assess your thyroid function for abnormalities as these results could affect your metabolism.

Urine Analysis

We will check for traces of sugar, protein or blood in your urine. Presence of these can indicate diseases such as infection, diabetes, kidney or liver disease.

Bowel Cancer Test : (over 45 years)

In our patients over 45 years of age we will check for bowel cancer. These tests picks up trace amounts of blood in your stool which may lead to early detection of bowel cancer.

Cardiovascular Risk

Several factors such as your age, weight, race, cholesterol levels, blood pressure and smoking history can affect your CV risk. Being at risk of a cardiovascular event such as a heart attack or stroke may not have any symptoms prior to the actual event. For this reason we will take the time to make a full and thorough assessment of your cardiovascular risk and also advise on how you can reduce this it.

Lung Function Test

Several factors such as your age, weight, race, cholesterol levels, blood pressure and smoking history can affect your CV risk. Being at risk of a cardiovascular event such as a heart attack or stroke may not have any symptoms prior to the actual event. For this reason we will take the time to make a full and thorough assessment of your cardiovascular risk and also advise on how you can reduce this it.


We will look at the condition of your skin by conducting a detailed examination to look for any abnormal areas.


We will carry out a visual acuity test which will pick up if you need glasses. You may be recommended for specific treatments.

Additional Tests for Women
  • Breast Examination & Instructions on Self-Examination
    We will perform a comprehensive breast examination and also give you advice on how to conduct regular examinations yourself. This is important to do to pick up any changes in the breast as early as possible.
  • Mammogram: (additional)
    Women over 40 years may be advised to have a mammogram. This is a more accurate way of screening for breast cancer and can be arranged for you (if indicated).
  • Cervical Smears
Additional Tests for men
  • Testicular Examination & Instructions on Self-Examination: (included)
    We will conduct a testicular examination and advise you on how to regularly do this at home which is important so you can recognize any changes in your testes.
  • Prostate Cancer Risk: (additional)
    We will check your Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) levels via a blood test. Higher levels of your PSA can be an indication of prostate cancer which can be treated if detected early.
Other Tests Available

If needed, we can also test for certain tumour markers which give us some guide on certain cancers such as ovarian and women over 40 years may wish to include a mammogram for an additional fee (if indicated).
We also can organise other tests such as xray, ultrasound, MRI and many other blood tests if needed

  • Mammogram
  • Chest Xray
  • Cervical Smear Tests
  • Ultrasound
  • Cardiac Tests
  • Heart Scan
  • Exercise Testing

Your Health Screen

Your first consultation, which will last approximately 1 hour, will include a full examination and your relevant tests will be carried out.
10 days after your health screen, you will receive a copy of your full screen report & recommendations.

Value for Money
Health screening is becoming more and more popular, for individuals as well as businesses.
We can tailor our packages to suit your needs and can schedule the consultations to fit in with you. We will identify any risk factors and advise you on how to safeguard your future health.


Please note that screening tests are not 100% accurate tests.
They should only be used as a guide.